On Sunday 15 September, we had a record breaking day, thanks to you, and everyone who made Run Reigate a fantastic event.

Run Reigate Sept 2019.jpg

We had our largest ever team running for SASH / East Surrey Hospital, with thirty seven of you hitting the streets of Surrey for us. We were lucky enough to have runners in each race, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k, and the childrens race. Our team ranged in age from 5 to 60, and we are hugely grateful to every one of you.

Take a look at pictures from the day on our facebook page (here) and feel free to tag yourselves on there!

Most people ran to support our new neonatal unit, and we are truly blown away by your support. Between you, you’ve raised over £12,000 for the unit, more than enough to fund a number of new pieces of equipment, and potentially some really lovely furnishings for a family room in the new unit.

We also officially launched Olive’s Appeal – our most ambitious fundraising appeal ever, to help transform the new neonatal intensive care unit at East Surrey Hospital. The appeal is inspired by Olive, who joined us at Run Reigate (pictured here with her mum Keata who also ran for us). Take a look at www.olivesappeal.org to find out more.

We are hoping to raise in excess of £100,000 for the new unit, so if you have contacts at businesses or organisations who may wish to help, please do put them in touch with us. We hope that our local community will get behind Olive’s Appeal, and make something really amazing possible here.

Finally – entries are now open for next year’s Run Reigate, where we will once again be represented, or if you’d like a challenge sooner than that, Run Gatwick, takes place in May, and we would love to have as many runners for the hospitals as possible. 

If you’d like to chat with us about a fundraising idea, or anything else we might be able to help with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, at sash.charity@nhs.net or 07966 235171.

Thanks again for your huge support for your local hospital charity – we really do appreciate it.