londonmarathon-2021-846x846.jpgThis Sunday sees the much anticipated return of the London Marathon, and we are excited to have a team of runners taking on this huge personal challenge in support of our hospitals.

This year, alongside the London Marathon itself, runners are taking on the Virtual London Marathon, whereby on race day, 3 October, they are taking on their own 26.3 mile courses, anywhere they like, tracked by a special London Marathon phone app with audio feeds to help runners feel connected to the central London event.

Amongst the runners taking on the marathon for SASH are nursing assistant Kate Knight, who will run her 81st marathon on the central London course – her 81st marathon, and Keata and Jason Murray, who run for our neonatal appeal, which was inspired by, and named after their daughter, Olive (, Keata’s first marathon.

We are hugely grateful for the fundraising efforts of all of the marathon runners running for SASH, and genuinely inspired by their enormous dedication to training – there’s no shortcut to preparing for a marathon, only miles and miles, hours and hours of training. It’s a huge commitment and personal challenge. Thank you to everyone who has chosen to take the challenge on, whilst raising funds to help us do more for people in hospital.

Find out more about everyone running for SASH this year, or support their fundraising on the pages below:

Virtual London Marathon runners